Are you a resourceful individual who enjoys saving money and paying less for services that you know you can do on your own? If you’re planning a move in the near future, it’s a good idea to consider using a professional furniture moving service, even if you love lifting boxes and think your hours in the gym have prepared you to move house. MiniMoves can help you determine how to move without stress.
Here are some of the reasons why the physical and mental stress of moving your own house, condo, or apartment can take a rather significant physical toll on your body and mind.
It’s Not a 90-Minute Workout at the Gym
Working out on a regular basis helps you remain in good shape, and you may very well have the strength and stamina to pack your entire house for a long distance move. However, when you choose to move without the assistance of a professional moving company with furniture moving services, we’re not just talking about a few hours in the gym.
We’re looking at what could be several days of backbreaking work and lifting that could cause some serious trouble for your knees, wrists, and back. Additionally, some of the pieces of furniture you may have to carry while moving homes are not conveniently sized like the weights in the gym. Hauling a king size mattress up three flights of stairs might make you want to reconsider mattress ownership.
Don’t risk lasting physical damage to your body by undertaking a move where the amount of heavy lifting and awkward objects mean many hours of work and possible injury, lasting joint pain, and exhaustion. Instead, a furniture moving service can provide much needed help.
Moving is Stressful
Moving is one of those things that will keep you up nights, and it’s important to think about the emotional and mental toll that the stress of moving can have on your mind and body. In addition to the physical exertion of a move, you may also feel unnecessary or extra stress and anxiety if you move on your own.
Stress and anxiety is hazardous to your health. Worrying about carrying all those boxes up and down the stairs can make the stress of moving house so much worse. Did you know that stress can increase your blood pressure, make your heart race, and reduce the strength of your immune system? On stress, the American Psychological Association says:
“Multiple studies have shown that these sudden emotional stresses — especially anger — can trigger heart attacks, arrhythmia and even sudden death.”
Keeping your stress levels low during a move is important. Utilizing a full service moving company can help you limit the stress of moving.
You can retain control of your move by arranging assistance when and where you want, so you don’t have to relinquish all decision-making regarding your move. It may help to compare what moving services are available and decide what’s right for you. Your local movers understand if you’re used to doing things on your own. Furniture moving services are here to help you, not to hinder you.
Moving Services Aren’t All or Nothing
If you’re concerned about the cost of your move and you’re willing to risk stress and injury on a DIY move, you might want to look at a moving estimate that features partial services. For example, you might take on the responsibility of packing and use a furniture moving service for loading and unloading at the site.
Moving companies like MiniMoves want to please their customers, and ensuring a customer’s positive experience means providing services in the manner and method requested by the customer. Limit the stress of moving by arranging for help with some or all of your move. In the end, it’s up to you – you know what you can handle.